Members of the Esperanto naturists on the laws at the Château de Grésillon


Naturists have always seen the movement as one that can bring humanity together. International gatherings started in 1951 and led to the formation of the International Naturist Federation in 1953. But while we have our naturist values in common, the many languages of the world still make communicating challenging. What if there was a common language for everyone? A simple language with consistent grammar rules that was easy to learn? One that was everyone’s second language so that nobody has a native advantage? That was the idea behind Esperanto when it was created in 1887 and a group of naturists have been promoting it for many decades. Thierry Spanjaard tells us the vision and the fascinating story behind Esperanto in naturism.

Links to useful information and items mentioned in this episode:

Photo: Naturist Festival at the Château de Grésillon

Episode CLXV

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