Gender and Single Men Policies in Naturism

We catch up with Felicity Jones (from YNA, not the Rogue One actor!) to discuss gender and single men policies in naturism.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: Sitting by Lake Beamor at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park – PAR 2011

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Episode LXXXIX

Naturism in Paris

A visit to a naturist swim in Paris that is organized by the Association des Naturistes de Paris (ANP) three nights per week. There seems to be a resurgence of naturism in France with the participation of naturists in the Fête de l’humanité last summer, the announcement that Paris will at long-last have a naturist area, and the election a French representative at president of the International Naturist Federation.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: A swim night at the Piscine Roger Le Gall in Paris organized by the ANP.

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Hardcore Winter Visitors

We chat with a group of regular visitors who prefer to visit Bare Oaks only in winter. Their activities include dousing themselves with water while nude in sub-zero weather and ice skating, also nude, on our frozen lake.

Photo: Bare Oaks members skating in January 2016

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Naked State Part 2

Thirteen artists talk about their experience at the 2016 Naked State Art Residency held at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. (Part 2 of 2)

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: Naked State Artists at Bare Oaks

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Episode LXXXVI

Naked State Part 1

Teresa Ascencao talks about Arts Unfold’s first Naked State Art Residency. In August 2016, thirteen artists from Australia, Finland, England, and across Canada and the USA spent a week creating artworks that explore the nude human body in context of nature, culture and art. (Part 1 of 2)

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: Teresa Ascencao during Naked State 2016 – by Matt Hamon

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Episode LXXXV