Sunshine and Vitamin D

An overwhelming number of studies have recently come out that show that there are many health-giving benefits from sun exposure. Just a few years ago, the consistent message from the medical and scientific community was that any sun exposure was bad. But we now know the vital importance of the vitamin D that sunshine gives us. Studies have shown that it helps us fight illnesses like cancer, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, influenza, psoriasis, Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (P.M.S.), sleep disorders and autoimmune diseases. In this episode we get the most up to date information from Dr. Holick who was an early pioneer in researching the link between vitamin D and cancer. As a result, he is now one of leading experts in the world on the subject.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Episode XVIII

Women and naturism


Of the two genders, women get the most pressure from society to meet to unrealistic expectations of physical beauty. That is one of the reason that women benefit most from being a naturist but it is also why they have the hardest time trying naturism. For a woman, the idea of being nude in a social setting is fraught with fears related to a lifetime of sexual objectification and subconscious attacks on their self-esteem.

In this episode, we explore how women in naturism overcame some of these barriers and what they get out of living a naturist life. We also review strategies for convincing someone to try naturism. 

To summarize the strategies presented:

  1. Review your own motivation
  2. Be open and confident about naturism
  3. Be sympathetic and understanding
  4. Try a therapeutic approach
  5. Be patient
  6. Be very careful of the first experience & praise gently

Links to items mentioned in the show: 

Episode XVII

Lessons from Naturist History

As the American philosopher George Santayana said, those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Through an interview with Doug Beckett, founder of the Federation of Canadian Naturists, we get a first hand account of what naturism was like over half a century ago.
Links to items mentioned in the show:
Episode XVI

Nudity on British TV

Part 3 of 3 on nudity and the human body. In this last part, we continue look at society’s view of nudity through the lens of mass media. We review three televisions shows from the U.K.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Episode XV


Part 2 of 3 on nudity and the human body. In the second part, we discuss Gymnophobia, the fear of nudity and how it impacts our view of the human body. As in part 1, we look at society’s view of nudity through the lens of mass media. In particular, we review and critique a BBC show called What’s the problem with nudity?

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Episode XIV