Black Naturists

In 1927 Maurice Parmelee wrote “it is of great importance for gymnosophy that race prejudice disappear entirely, or be reduced to the lowest possible minimum.” He would certainly be disappointed by the persistence of systemic racism nearly a century later. We discuss being Black in Naturism with Gregory Jean Louis, a passionate listener; Shirley Mason, of Haulover and the B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation; and Michelle Jackson, of the Black Naturists Association.

Links to items mentioned in the show:

Photo: Michelle and friends at a Black Naturists Association event.

Episode CXX

Minorities in Naturism

It is plainly obvious that visible minorities are under-represented in naturism. In this episode, we try to understand why and ascertain what can be done to change the situation.

Our two guests are both bloggers who have discussed the subject.

George’s Blog:

André’s Blog:

Episode XIX

Photo by DarkFokus